Cookbook #14: Crêpes

Adapted from Cookbook #14: Crêpes (2002) Recipe: Spinach Crêpes with Asparagus March. It makes us all feel as if spring is finally here. It's 50 degrees all over the place. Trees are in full blossom here in California, and some are even shaking off the tail ends of their bloom. The Japanese maples have either budded or fully leafed, the daffodils are in their final blush, and it's time to start digging with purpose in the garden. Funny how spring sprung about three weeks ago, but because of my Midwestern roots, I don't feel as if spring is here until the end of March. Nonetheless, finally, it feels as if we have turned the calendar year into spring. Spring is also the time for Paris. While we're not quite to the requisite month, can't you just hear Ella Fitzgerald crooning it now: "April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom"? All those wonderful clichés about Paris in springtime. Doris Day prancing around with ...