Cookbook #31: The Thrill of the Grill

Adapted from Cookbook #31: The Thrill of the Grill Recipe: Bourbon Peaches I have had these bourbon peaches sitting in a bourbon, vinegar, mint, and clove bath for about two weeks, and I have been anticipating this day for some time. And here it is, filled with bourbon-y goodness. Our chefs (Schlesinger and Willoughby, who were also our chefs two weeks ago ) suggest serving these with venison (recipe on page 208). They believe that the strength of the bourbon goes well with a gamy meat. However, the husband and I served them to friends with a pork tenderloin that was all gussied up with salt, pepper, and olive oil and smoked in pecan chips. Not that I have anything against venison. Growing up I ate a lot of venison--or at least whenever my uncle "bagged" a deer. I am not sure he ever used the term "bagged" but I suspect he did. His garage had been converted into a woodworking shop, and every fall, he would bring in a deer or t...