Cookbook #35: Marcella Cucina

Adapted from Cookbook #35: Marcella Cucina (1997) Recipe: Tortino di Crespelle con Melanzane e Peperoni (Baked Crêpes Pie with Eggplant and Peppers) Welcome Full-Blown Taste of Summer! This little pie announces summer with a trumpet call. So unpack that eggplant from your CSA box or toddle on over to your local farmers' market for some bell peppers, because summer is on! Yes, yes, the kiddies are returning to school and the days are getting shorter, but it can taste like sweet, sweet summer for a couple of more weeks. As I mentioned in the last entry , we made dinner for the husband's parents in order to celebrate the end of Napfest 2010. And this Tortino is darned astonishing. While the recipe is long, this isn't really all that hard to make. Granted, this was the first time I ever cooked this dish, so I set aside a good two hours and worked without hurry. I made the recipe in a different order than...