What Were You Doing New Year's Eve?

I know that I was certainly sleeping weirdly.   We just got back from Rome, where I may have gained 50 pounds from the food alone, and I am certainly jet-lagged.  But, oh, what a time we had. Now, as for sleeping, I seem to be doing very little of it, and at very odd hours.  Tomorrow at work is going to be tough.

Nonetheless, I have big plans for the blog for 2012, which includes going back to the cookbooks with gusto. A new page number shall be chosen, with supplemental recipes from other pages.  More details later.

But in the mean time, here are some of our food-related photos from Rome.  My favorite, of course, is the fowl.  It's love, for sure.


By Popular Demand

Ottolenghi's Semolina, Coconut and Marmalade Cake

Ottolenghi's Lemon and Eggplant Risotto

Ottolenghi's Lamb Shawarma

Ottolenghi's Salmon Steaks in Chraimeh Sauce

Whole Roasted Celery Root from NOPI