Bi-Rite Salted Caramel Ice Cream

My birthday was two weeks ago, and, as is expected around one's birthday, a lot is on my mind about this little life of mine. I am trying to devote attention to slowing down. I have had starts and fits and successes and setbacks as I think about this concept. Oddly, the recent head cold has been both conducive to (I have had to spend a lot of time in bed this past week) and counter to (I find that the work piles up when you spend most of your evenings asleep on the couch) this idea of slowness. Further, such slowness often goes against what I think I want to do in the moment, but such slowness seems to be what I discover I really wanted upon those sweet, slow moments of reflection. How to slow down? How to breathe more? How to be not attached to an outcome? Such good questions. The answer? Ice cream. Okay, that was a little facile. However, I do mean it (wait for it--I will make the connection). The husband gave me a ...