Rosemary Chicken Burgers with Fried Onions

Oh, I have been sick. This is not how I had hoped to begin my summer. No, I had plans of yoga and running and elaborate lunches with friends and gardening. Instead, my body had far different and, as it turns out, more demanding plans of books and sleep. Which has been nice. Apparently my body has decided that I should spend the opening of this summer curled up in bed with throat lozenges, topical throat spray (I seem to have a wicked sore throat), and hot tea. I have gotten the chance to read five books so far this summer (none of which were actually my book club book, Fools of Fortune , since book club was thankfully cancelled) and I can say I really recommend only one of them, Super Sad True Love Story . Nothing like a little social dystopia to keep you entertained as you contemplate how the white blood cells in your body are waging its own apocalyptic coup on some seditious summer virus. And then last week, I had a friend...