Pork Loin Braised in Milk, Bolognese Style

In September the great Marcella Hazan died, and like most cooks, nay eaters, I was saddened to hear of her passing. I have been known to cook from her cookbooks (yes, here and here and here ). Many others have written about her death, with much gratitude surrounding the way that she taught them to cook among other things . I add my tribute to her as well. While I have said a lot about her background in some of those earlier posts, one thing I haven't yet written about is the night we almost saw Marcella Hazan. She's of such celebrity status that the almost sightings are as elevated an experience as the actual sightings, so celebrate we must. Many years ago, Oliveto's , an Oakland retaurant within walking distance, held a night of cooking with Marcella Hazan. She apparently consulted on the menu and I imagine did a little bit of bossing around in the kitchen--actually I suspect that's mere fantasy. She was far too much of a fan of ...