Swiss Muesli Breakfast Brioche

During winter break, one needs decadent breakfasts to go along with the decadent dinners, only ensuring that one's diet in the new year is based on a month of over-indulgence and excess. No wimpy breakfasts around here, my friends. Thus, I whipped up this brioche. "Whipped up!" you might snarl and scoff. Yes, I say, whipped up . This is remarkably easy, and the only thing that it needs is time. You don't even need to knead it. Five years ago, dear friends of ours swooped down from Seattle years ago--the he in this couple is a delightful bread baker, and he swore by this cookbook: Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day . Upon their return to Washington, they sent the husband and I a copy of this book , and we have been all the better for it, if our waistlines have not. The premise of the book is that you should have pre-mixed, pre-risen, high-moisture dough hanging out in your refrigerator for that moment when a fresh bread hankering strikes you. Then you si...