A Thanksgiving Round up

Friends, I have been writing this blog for six years now. It is one of the many joys in my life. If anything, I wish I had more time to write this blog. Wish I had more time to investigate the history of a preparation technique, the science of dish, the cultural significance of a food. I wish I had more time to craft stories around the foods I make--either stories relating to my own upbringing or to the global culture that we inhabit or the connections to the literature I love so much. I wish I were out there in the world interviewing and writing about the amazing people producing and creating food in my area.

These are possible goals for my future.

And while time is finite and I certainly wish for more, I must admit I have been so grateful to have you all along for the ride for what little time we have had so far--I am so glad to be a part of your lives, if only for a moment.

With all of this in mind and given the time of year, I wanted to take some time to reflect on some of my favorite posts and to dig them back up. These are the ones that I am most proud of, that most reflect what I wish every post could be. It may be the science, the memory, the history, the literature, the photograph (but trust me, if it was from 2010-2014, it wasn't the photograph, I promise). So here they are, my top 12 favorite blog posts (so far...)

Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for joining me for this lovely little ride, my friends.


By Popular Demand

Ottolenghi's Semolina, Coconut and Marmalade Cake

Ottolenghi's Lemon and Eggplant Risotto

Ottolenghi's Lamb Shawarma

Ottolenghi's Salmon Steaks in Chraimeh Sauce

Whole Roasted Celery Root from NOPI