Pomegranate and Raspberry Chutney in In the Orchard, the Swallows // Cook Your Books

And now for entry #2 in what appears to be a longform series. In this Cook Your Books series, I have chosen 15 books to read in 2017 based on somewhat arbitrarily chosen categories. My theory (bogus it might turn out to be) is that all 15 of these books will somehow connect to food. And I plan to write about that food. This second installment is a book with fewer than 150 pages. (Here's your second warning: It turns out these entries on Cook Your Books are long ones. Time to settle in.) In the Orchard, the Swallows by Peter Hobbs appears on this list simply because of its length. My arbitrary category dictated a book with fewer than 150 pages, and a quick Google search for "Best Books under 150 Pages" launched this one to to the top of my possible books to read. And what a book it was. The book opens with an unnamed narrator who has been thrust back into the world after having spent the last 15 years in a Pakistani p...